Public & Media Relations

Strategic Communications · Op-ed Placement · Digital Media · Community Relations

Aegis with industry leaders, trade associations, nonprofit organizations, and foreign government officials to enhance influence, navigate unforeseen challenges, and increase visibility beyond the Washington Beltway. Our team crafts and executes media campaigns with national and international political impact, utilizing a diverse range of strategic tools, such as opinion editorials, radio interviews, television segments, C-SPAN and podcast appearances, as well as innovative advocacy methodologies, all designed to shape public opinion in favor of our clients.

Aegis has a proven track record of connecting U.S. and foreign governments through cultural exchanges and public events that highlight shared values and contributions to the global community. This work has included collaborations with ambassadors like John Burton, David O’Sullivan, and EU Ambassador Stavros Lambrinidis, continuing our tradition of fostering meaningful international relations.

Case Study:

A Global Strategy—Highlighting Commercial and Educational Linkages

  • The Aegis Group organized a high-profile visit to San Angelo, Texas, for European Union Ambassador to the United States John Bruton. The trip showcased the economic and cultural ties between Texas and the EU, particularly emphasizing the 228,000+ jobs created in Texas through EU investments. Additionally, the visit explored potential student exchanges between U.S. and European higher education institutions to strengthen academic linkages.

  • Ambassador Bruton’s visit delivered significant outcomes for San Angelo’s business, educational, and cultural development. The city’s historical and economic strengths, cultural diversity, and the growing Angelo State University were highlighted. Local business owners, university representatives, and public officials engaged directly with Ambassador Bruton, creating opportunities for international collaboration.

    The visit not only fostered educational exchanges but also reinforced international business relationships, underscoring the impact of European investment in Texas. Ambassador Bruton remarked on the scale of EU investment in the state, noting that it exceeds U.S. investment in China and Japan combined.

    "I [participated in] a roundtable discussion on international issues sponsored by Angelo State University and the San Angelo Museum of Fine Arts. In my public speeches in San Angelo, I drew attention to the fact that European investment in Texas alone exceeds all U.S. investment in China and Japan combined. The visit was facilitated by Mario Castillo and his firm The Aegis Group, Ltd."
    – Former European Union Ambassador to the United States, John Bruton.